Ecclesall Kids Club is registered with Ofsted (2725053) and is based at Ecclesall Primary School . Club working hours are 7:30– 9.00 am and 2.45pm –6.15pmweekdays, during term time. We also offer holiday Club on a demand basis (normally one week at February Half term, Easter, Spring Bank and October half term and four weeks during the Summer Holidays. We do not open on Bank holidays and Inset Days though we may open for Holiday Club on inset days if these are tagged onto normal Holiday Club opening weeks. The club is open 7.40am to 6.15 pm at Holiday Club, full and half day sessions can be worked on a voluntary basis by separate contract as Holiday Club work cannot be guaranteed.


Ecclesall Kids Club provides Charity (not for profit) out of school care for 4 to 11 year olds, all children are of current reception age, not preschool. Our mission is to provide low cost, high quality and stimulating ongoing play care in a welcoming and friendly environment. We try to provide adhoc and emergency places but due to being an oversubscribed club ongoing regular places for parents who need them for the year are always our priority. 

We provide an inclusive, safe, secure and relaxed environment, offering a range of activities to reflect the interests of all the children in our care. We are committed to respecting Equality and Diversity for our children, parents and carers who use our service as well as our colleagues.

We aim to run our service on a 1:8 staff to child ratio for KS1 children and a 1:10 staff to child ratio for KS2 children whenever we can. 

We aim to remain a Real Living Wage employer where this is affordable. 

Management and Leadership Team

Our Business is managed by a part time Business and HR Manager Denise Brownand the Club setting is managed by two part time Jobshare Play Managers, Natalie Lunn and Tammy Mason, these three Managers make up the Club Management Team. 

The Management Team has two Deputies, Denise Bluff and Jack Midwood, the three Managers and two Deputies and Club Administrator ( Janet Brown) make up the Leadership Team. The Leadership Team have the following designated duties, though with the exception of Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) these duties may change so please ask if you are unsure:

Natalie Lunn………….Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) staff manager and supervisor, policy lead designated areas, Behaviour Management, Health and Safety, food purchase, safety and diet allergies/medications, EYFS/SEN Support. Data Protection Lead. Petty cash box payments lead and support. Holiday Club co- lead. Breakfast Club lead for staff absence notification every day and co – lead for staff absence for afterschool club (Mon,Tues, Friday). Setting club complaints co lead.Ofsted Inspection setting co- lead.

Tammy Mason…….DSL, Policy Lead designated areas, SENCO, EYFS lead,Behaviour Management, Health and Safety support, allergies/medications support. Petty cash reconciliation lead. Holiday Club Lead. Co – lead for staff absence for afterschool club (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). Setting complaints co lead. Ofsted Inspection setting co-lead.

Denise Bluff and Jack Midwood Deputy DSLs, SEN support, Health and Safety incFire Safety, allergies/medications ( Denise). EYFS, Jack. The Deputies each report to Natalie or Tammy. Both may act as notification points for staff sickness absence when Natalie or Tammy are on leave.

Denise Brown ………Finance and HR lead. HR and Business Policy and training lead. Payroll and recruitment Lead. Business direction, bookings and payments strategic lead. Website and communications owner. Business complaints lead, eg bookings and payments. Casework Advisor for Formal HR Cases. Payroll lead. Pay and Reward Strategy Lead. Commercial Contracts Lead eg membership and bookings, premises and lettings, insurance. Data Protection Officer for the club and DBS lead. Inbox co- lead and administration cover eg Tax free Childcare ( TFCC)  and voucher payments reconciliation when administrator is on leave.

Janet Brown – part time club administrator, general administration to support the club, payment and voucher reconciliation, Inbox lead. Petty cash reconciliation lead.


Ecclesall Kids Club is governed by a Management Committee of Parent Trusteeschaired by Bob Johnston, who is also our Safeguarding Lead, our Treasurer is Grazina Manchester and secretary (pending new recruit) is Louise Bowden. The Committee are our employers and they meet approximately every 2 – 3 months they are governed by a set of rules called our Constitution CIO-Foundation-Doc.pdf (ecclesallkids.club). We enjoy a close working relationship with Ecclesall Primary School and are sited on their premises but we are an independent business from them.

Policies and procedures

The Club has clearly defined policies and procedures which all staff are required to adhere too. The Policies, including HR and employment are sited in the Club Policy Folder and on our website in the “staff area” basic signposting information is included in this Staff Handbook but this should be read in conjunction with the policies and our website links which are issued to you on joining.

You must familiarise yourself with all of the Club’s policies and will need to sign to confirm that you have done so, you are responsible for keeping yourself up to date with all club policies and procedures and you may be given some paid time to do so, if you have any questions raise this with your Club Manager.



Our club telephone number is 0114 2681116. Please do not leave messages on the club phone voicemail when we are not open as the office is used by catering staff during the day. Sickness absence or emergency non attendance needs to be reported to the Duty Manager on that day, please see absence reporting for an explanation of how this works, please respect the working patterns of Managers when reporting absence and unless unavoidable do not contact Managers on their non working days, outside the hours of 9am – 6pm or at weekends. Managers will notify staff when they are on leave, please do not contact Managers when they are on leave including during shutdown periods, emergency contact details will always be given during shutdown periods and Holiday Club, the rotas show which Managers and colleagues are on leave if you are unsure who to contact.

Email addresses

The club generic club business email address is Ecclesallkids@gmail.com, all communications sent here are only seen by the Business Manager and Administratoronly for confidentiality reasons. If you wish to send to both Jobshare Play Managers an email this should be sent to their shared mail box ekcplaymanager@gmail.com. If you wish to email the Business and HR Manager only please email on denisebrownekc@virginmedia.com  

If you need to email one of the Leadership team personally please ask for their email details. 

Whatsapp Groups

As many of our staff work part time we rely on our kids club group WhatsApp to keep in touch. We also have a supply group WhatsApp for offering supply shifts. Whatsapp is not an entirely secure platform, bear this in mind with information you may be sharing. Please ensure you are respectful in communications, do not share information about children, parents or staff or include information that would allowchildren or parents to be identified. You must not share confidential or sensitive information including about yourself on group WhatsApp for example the fact you will be absent and why as confidentiality may be breached.

The WhatsApp groups we have are

Management – for the Managers and Deputies

Leadership – for the Managers, Deputies and Administrator

Kids club group – this is for Managers to post important messages they need all staff to see. Generally this should be reserved for important communications but on occasion it is used for arranging social events, welcoming or saying goodbye. Please do not ask questions of the managers on this group Whatsapp but send a Whatsapp to the Manager you need to contact. In the past we have found that if the club Whatsapp gets over-used or there are long conversation threads, people tend to mute and do not see the messages the Managers need them too so please bear that in mind.    


We have a club website with lots of useful information about us including most of our policies.

Out of school care for 4-11 year olds (ecclesallkids.club)

Staff Meetings 

We hold 45 minute staff meetings, usually at 2pm and we ask all staff to attend if they can, we appreciate this is not always possible if it is not your working pattern day or you have a second job. You will be paid to attend staff meetings outside club hours, if you cannot attend we will find others ways to ensure you are kept up to date. We are trying platforms such as Zoom to keep in touch. 


Our staff team are ambassadors for Ecclesall Kids Club and we expect you to conduct yourself professionally at all times. You should treat anyone attending the Club (children, parents/carers and visitors) and each other courteously and with respect.

We expect you to value all the children as individuals and to comply with the Club’s Equalities policy at all times.

Swearing and abusive behaviour, including shouting at the children, parents or colleagues is not tolerated from anyone at the Club. If you exhibit such behaviour you will be subject to the Club’s disciplinary procedures.

For more details see our Staff Behaviour and Conduct policy and Staff Disciplinary policy.

Dress code

Whilst working at Ecclesall Kids Club you will need to help to set up and pack away the setting, prepare food, facilitate craft activities and engage in physical activities with the children. You should therefore choose your clothing and footwear accordingly, taking into account comfort, health and safety, and practicality. Please do not wear your best clothes as claims for damaged clothing are unlikely to be accepted. Revealing, low cut or excessively tight clothing or “short” shorts are not acceptable. Footwear should allow you to move quickly and safely, high heels are not suitable. Jewellery should be minimal and piercings which may pose a hazard to yourself or others must be covered or removed. 

Whilst on duty you should wear the approved Crocodile name lanyard at all times, if you forget or break this please ask for a replacement.


You must not pass on any information about children attending the Club, or their parents and families, to third parties please ask the Club Managers for advice if you are unsure. The only exception to this rule is information sharing with specific external agencies if there is a safeguarding issue and this will only be with the Club Managers permission. (‘Third parties’ includes other parents, your friends, family other children at the Club, the press, etc.)

Posting any material relating to the Club or its users on social media sites (unless expressly permitted by the Club Manager) is forbidden.

See our Confidentiality policy, Social Media policy and Safeguarding policy for more details.

Use of mobile phones, cameras and Smart Watches

If you have a personal mobile phone you must keep it locked away during working hours.

If you need to make an urgent personal call, with the Managers or Deputies permission you can use the Club phone or make a personal call from your mobileaway from the boundaries of the club.

If you have a family emergency or similar and need to keep your mobile phone to hand, you must obtain prior permission from the Manger or Deputy. 

You may only use the club tablet camera to take photographs of children at the Club, this camera does not leave our setting.

You must never use your personal mobile phone or camera to take photographs at the Club during working hours. Doing so will be considered misconduct and mayresult in dismissal.

As with Mobiles, Smart Watches with cameras or data enablement should be stored safely away during club hours, using such devices in club time may constitute a disciplinary offence. Please ask the Club Manager if you are unsure.

See our Mobile Phone policySafeguarding policy and Staff Conduct and Disciplinary policy for more details.

Social media

If you post any content or comments on social media that breach confidentiality or which could harm the reputation of our Club or other staff members, or if you publish photographs of the setting or children, you will face disciplinary action in line with our Staff Disciplinary policy

See our Social Media policy for more details.

Smoking, Vaping alcohol and drugs

You are not permitted to smoke or Vape anywhere on the Club premises, including the outside play areas. 

You are not permitted to bring alcohol or illegal drugs onto the Club premises. If you arrive at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs you will be asked to leave immediately and disciplinary action may be taken. 

If you have a medical condition or are taking prescription drugs which might affect your ability to function effectively in your role, you must inform the Manager immediately.

Any prescribed medication that you need to have with you whilst at the Club, must be stored safely by agreement with the Manager or Deputy, out of reach and sight of the children attending the Club.

See our for Conduct and behaviour, Disciplinary and health and safety policies  for details.


Absence and illness

You must inform the Duty Manager and or Deputy by phone, by 6.45am at the latest(for Breakfast Club) and as soon as possible but preferably no later than midday for Afterschool if you are unable to attend work that day due to illness or for any other reason. We need as much time as possible to arrange alternative cover in order to maintain the required staff ratios. Texts or whatsapps are only acceptable where a conversation is not possible eg you wake up poorly in the night and a call to the Duty Manager wouldn’t be appropriate. Currently Natalie is the Duty Manager at breakfast club (Denise and Jack the Deputies are also present full time). Natalie and Tammy are the Duty Managers at afterschool, Natalie doesn’t work Wed/Thurs and Tammy does not work Mondays, Jack and Denise work every day at afterschool. At Holiday Club you should check the Holiday Club roster which will be published on our Kids Club Whatsapp to see which lead it will be that day. 

As the Club does not operate an occupational sick pay scheme, for periods of illness of more than four days you will receive Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if you are eligiblesubject to qualifying conditions and your completion of a self certification note or obtaining a “Fit Note” .

If you have come into contact with any infectious illness you should inform the Manager immediately. If you have had sickness or diarrhoea due to a stomach bug,please contact the Manager as it is likely that you will not be able to return to work for 48 hours after the illness has ceased. 

See the Sickness Absence Policy for more details.


For Permanent and Fixed Term Appointment staff, all holidays and time off must be booked in advance using the Annual Leave Form. We ask that staff do not make holiday bookings without checking with the Manager first as they will look at the leave chart to ensure we have enough staff to operate and cover your leave. The Club requires that the majority of holidays are taken outside term time to enable us to staff to the required ratios of our insurance Policy. The Manager can authorise days off or longer holidays during term time providing your shifts can be covered. 

Supply staff do not need to have holidays/ time off agreed but we do need to know when you are unavailable eg exams, uni visits, lectures etc as soon as you know so that we know how much cover we will have available at any time.  See the Leave Policy for more details.

Staff performance and Disciplinary Procedure

Our Club aims to have a team of well-motivated, highly skilled and professional staff. If your behaviour or performance falls below the high standards that we expect we will follow the procedures set out in the Managing Performance or Staff Disciplinary policy.

For minor breaches of performance or discipline, the Deputy or Club Manager will try to resolve the matter by informal discussions and actions with you. If this does not solve the problem, the formal Managing performance or Disciplinary procedure will be followed.

See our Managing Performance and Staff Disciplinary policy for more details.


If you discover evidence of malpractice or wrongdoing within the Club you can disclose this information internally without fear of reprisal. This covers concerns such as:

• Financial malpractice or fraud 

• Failure to comply with a legal obligation 

• Dangers to health and safety or the environment 

• Criminal activity 

• Improper conduct or unethical behaviour 

See our Whistleblowing policy for more details. 

Note that if your concerns relate to Safeguarding or child protection including concerns about a colleague, you should follow the procedures set out in our Safeguarding policy.

Staff grievances 

There may be times when you have issues or concerns about your working conditions or other aspects of your employment at the Club. When such issues arise we encourage you to discuss them with your Manager if appropriate as soon as possible so that they can be quickly resolved. If it is not appropriate to speak to a Club Manager, you may contact the HR and Business Manager. Grievances left unaired can lead to an unpleasant working environment and are best addressed as soon as possible.

You have the right to raise a grievance about issues that arise from your work within the Club and which affect you as an individual.

See our Staff Grievance policy for full details of our grievance procedure.

Notifying your Manager

It is your responsibility to keep your Club Manager informed of any changes to your personal circumstances. Specifically, you must inform the Manager as soon as possible of:

• Changes to your medical status or personal circumstances which may affect your ability to work or care for children

• Whether you are taking any medication that may affect your ability to work or care for children

• Any changes to your contact details eg address or to your emergency contacts

• Any cautions, convictions or reprimands that you receive subsequent to your employment outside our regular suitability check at supervision (see your Terms and Conditions of Employment for full details)

• Any other circumstances that might affect your employment or the reputation of the Club.


Health and safety

Each member of staff is responsible for maintaining a safe environment at the Club. Accordingly, you must: 

• Take reasonable care for the health and safety of yourself and others attending the Club eg cleaning up spillages quickly, ensuring doors/gates are closed and locked.

• Report all accidents and incidents which have caused injury or damage or may do so in the future

• Undertake relevant health and safety training, including reading policies and procedures.

• Ask if you are unsure about any aspect of Health and safety in the club.

If you disregard safety instructions or recognised safe practices you may be subject to disciplinary procedures.

See our Health and Safety policy for further information.

Manual handling

When carrying out manual handling tasks (such as setting up furniture and equipment) you must: 

• Comply with any instructions and training provided

• Not put your own health and safety or that of others at risk by carrying out unsafe manual handling activities

• Report to your Manager any problems which may affect your ability to undertake manual handling activities, including physical and medical conditions (eg pregnancy, back problems).

See our Manual Handling policy for further information.


As part of your induction process you will undertake training in safeguarding includingPrevent (recognising signs of abuse and radicalisation) and how to respond in a timely and appropriate way. 

If you witness or suspect abuse or have a safeguarding concern, you must speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and record the incident straight away, using the club Safeguarding procedures. If someone expresses a concern that a child outside our setting is being abused, you should seek advice from our DSL who will encourage them to contact the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub directly. If they are unwilling to do so, you must explain that the Club is obliged to, and log the incident accordingly following advice from the DSL.

All Safeguarding forms and body maps are kept in the Safeguarding folder under section 1 which is stored in the metal filing cabinet. If you have any concerns regarding child protection or safeguarding issues, please speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) on duty immediately.

There will always be at least one DSL and one Deputy DSL on duty at all times including at Holiday Club. 

See our Safeguarding policy for further information.

First aid and accidents

The Club Managers, Deputies and the majority of permanent staff are all trained Paediatric First Aiders. We also have a number of staff trained in Basic first Aid who are able to deal with minor incidents, e.g. small cuts and bruises, cleaning of grazes and application of plasters.

At least 2 members of staff with Paediatric First Aid Certificates are present at every session including Holiday Club. If you are not a qualified first aider you should seek the advice of someone who is qualified to treat any injuries and this may include moving children who have fallen or had a head bump. All head bumps are recorded on Magic Booking and parents notified by the system. All accidents and incidents are also notified to the parents via Magic Booking so it is important that Managers and Deputies are made aware.

If you administer first aid or witness an accident or incident you must complete an Accident or Incident form as most records are held on Magic Booking the Club Manager will advise what you need to do.

Training, Development and Supervision.

You are expected to attend paid training and development and to update your skills,as and when requested by the Club, and whenever required due to changes inlegislation. You may be required to undertake some training before you join us, for example, Safeguarding training. Our minimum core training set consists of the appropriate level for each role of: Safeguarding Training, Prevent Training , Food Hygiene/allergies and First Aid for staff who are expected to administer this.Additional training may be required for specific roles, e.g. the Special Educational Needs (SEN) DSL and Health and Safety. 

All training designated by the club (or that is mandatory for statutory or insurance purposes) must be completed in advance of the expiry date of that training to enable you to carry out your duties safely within the club. Failure to complete training by the due date without good reason, may mean that you are subject to the Club disciplinary procedures or that you are unable to work for the club until the training is completed.All training and development costs and paid time to complete the training and development will be paid by the club where the club requires the training. Other training and development identified by the member of staff will be considered in the light of relevance to your role and costs.

It is a requirement of the Club that regular Supervision meetings are carried out every 12 weeks or so, the supply supervision form may be completed for supply staffdepending on how often they work for us. Written records of supervisions will be kept in the club in a locked safe that is only accessible by the Club Managers to ensure confidentiality is maintained but also support inspection by Ofsted. Supervision meetings will be paid where they take place outside club hours. It is both the Supervisor and Supervisees responsibility that regular supervision is taking placeand both of you will need to prepare in advance for each meeting.

See the Managing Performance, Staff Conduct and Training Policy for further information.

Disclosure and Barring (DBS checks)

All staff will be required to have an enhanced DBS check completed as part of the employment offer. Existing staff will need to have a new DBS check every 3 years unless they are registered with the DBS Update Service, which the club encourages and will fund whilst staff are working for us. All staff will need to have their Suitability verified at each supervision but are required to inform the Club Manager immediately if they believe that anything arising in between supervision means their suitability may need to be confirmed. Any discussion will be treated in strict Confidence.

This handbook was adopted by: Ecclesall Kids ClubDate: 1/6/17
reviewed: 16/8/23 Signed: Ecclesall Kids Club Committee